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BLM Fraudster Who Stole Over £70,000 Only Ordered To Pay Back ONE POUND



A race-baiting activist who helped organise a protest that led to the vandalism and subsequent toppling into a river of Edward Colston’s statue, has been ordered by a judge to repay only £1, despite stealing tens of thousands of pounds worth of donations to fund her selfish lifestyle.

Xahra Saleem was jailed for two-and-a-half years in 2023 after pleading guilty to one count of fraud relating to the ‘disappearance’ of £32,000 in charity donations.

Xahra Saleem.

The missing money, it later transpired, had managed to find its way into Saleem’s bank account, with the fraudster admitting to the theft upon the accounting discrepancy being exposed.

Another charge was left to lie on file by the CPS, with police now revealing that she is believed to have stolen and spent at least £70,000.

Saleem ironically used the cash to fund an extravagant, highly privileged lifestyle – a lifestyle far out of reach to the majority of British citizens whom she and her organisation, BLM, falsely and bigotedly accuse of possessing privilege due to being born white.

Saleem helped organise the infamous protest that led to a statue of Colston being toppled.

Under the Proceeds of Crime Act, police have now obtained a Confiscation Order against. However, because she selfishly spent all the money she stole on Ubers, beauty treatments, clothes, takeaway food deliveries and mobile phones, police have only been granted permission to obtain the order with a nominal £1 sum. That amount may increase if or when Saleem ever has money in the future.

The money was pledged by people from across the world via online fundraisers set up and run by Saleem – who at the time went by the name Yvonne Maina – both before and after the Black Lives Matter march in Bristol in June 2020.

Saleem has arrived at court in a variety of coverings to hide from photographers, including a mask and, on one occasion, a full face covering.

But instead of going to the causes people donated towards, she pocketed the money and squandered it all on spoiling herself, frittering it away in less than a year.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has long been the focus of controversy and condemnation, not least of all for its promotion of racist and divisive language demonising white people, and also for its many violent protests.

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